The early days of January rolls around and you see people with the usual “new year, new me” posts. The new year gives a chance to Restart, forget the past …
Tag: ELH

Mizo App on Android [Resources]
Mizo app is now published on Google Play Store for Android. Here are some of the resources I used to build the app. 1) Code 1) Udacity – Google Android Basics …

What Happens Next
Time: 3:31 AM I often dream of the future. I am curious and yet at the same time almost worried, all because I had the fortune of coming to the …

You Are Not Here To Please Anyone
Not your parents, not your teachers, not your friends. Nobody. A life trying to please people is a life hollow and unfulfilling.

The Only Way
The only way is forward. The only step to take is forward. The past doesn’t matter anymore. It may well has never even existed. All that matters is to keep …

Not The End
Finished my exams that I studied for. But I know its not the end. I have to get ready for life again. Starting tomorrow. No. Starting right Now.

Fit in a Box
Others will always try to fit you in a box. Based on what they want, who they think you are and who they think you should be. They will tell …

Hide Away
There’s this game where people puts on a fake front. They hide away from their true self and play a character. They hide their self away from the light and …

I Know The Name of My Grandparents
I know the name of my grandparents. That’s as far as it goes. Let’s say a generation is about 25 years. Most people. That includes most of everyone you know. …